Virginia ZIP Codes

ZIP Code Type City County County Code
23035 Standard Cobbs Creek Mathews 51115
23038 Standard Columbia Goochland 51075
23039 Standard Crozier Goochland 51075
23040 Standard Cumberland Cumberland 51049
23043 Standard Deltaville Middlesex 51119
23045 Standard Diggs Mathews 51115
23047 Standard Doswell Hanover 51085
23050 Standard Dutton Mathews 51115
23055 Standard Fork Union Fluvanna 51065
23056 Standard Foster Mathews 51115
23059 Standard Glen Allen Henrico 51087
23060 Standard Glen Allen Henrico 51087
23061 Standard Gloucester Gloucester 51073
23062 Standard Gloucester Point Gloucester 51073
23063 Standard Goochland Goochland 51075
23064 POBox Grimstead Mathews 51115
23065 Standard Gum Spring Goochland 51075
23066 POBox Gwynn Mathews 51115
23068 Standard Hallieford Mathews 51115
23069 Standard Hanover Hanover 51085
23070 Standard Hardyville Middlesex 51119
23071 Standard Hartfield Middlesex 51119
23072 Standard Hayes Gloucester 51073
23075 Standard Henrico Henrico 51087
23076 Standard Hudgins Mathews 51115
23079 Standard Jamaica Middlesex 51119
23083 Standard Jetersville Amelia 51007
23084 Standard Kents Store Fluvanna 51065
23085 Standard King and Queen Court House King and Queen 51097
23086 Standard King William King William 51101
23089 Standard Lanexa New Kent 51127
23091 Standard Little Plymouth King and Queen 51097
23092 Standard Locust Hill Middlesex 51119
23093 Standard Louisa Louisa 51109
23102 Standard Maidens Goochland 51075
23103 Standard Manakin Sabot Goochland 51075
23106 Standard Manquin King William 51101
23108 Standard Mascot King and Queen 51097
23109 Standard Mathews Mathews 51115
23110 Standard Mattaponi King and Queen 51097
23111 Standard Mechanicsville Hanover 51085
23112 Standard Midlothian Chesterfield 51041
23113 Standard Midlothian Chesterfield 51041
23114 Standard Midlothian Chesterfield 51041
23115 POBox Millers Tavern Essex 51057
23116 Standard Mechanicsville Hanover 51085
23117 Standard Mineral Louisa 51109
23119 Standard Moon Mathews 51115
23120 Standard Moseley Chesterfield 51041
23123 Standard New Canton Buckingham 51029
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